Tuesday, October 25, 2011


So this is going to be a little bit of a vent......

A couple days ago, my little sister's (Haylie; she'll be 20 in December) status was this..."Full coverage insurance is a pain to pay for every month to say the least but at this moment I don't know what I would do without it!" The very first thing I thought of was that she was in a car accident. Obviously she would be okay because she updated here status, but I still wanted to here her voice and know that she was okay, so I called her. I saw the status at about midnight and it said she had posted it at about 10pm. I knew she would be asleep because she either had work or school early the next day, but I didn't care, I called her anyway. I called and she answered with her sleepy voice and I asked her what her status was about and if she was in an accident. She said she was fine and that she wasn't in an accident and that she would tell me what happened later. So I said okay. I called her the next day but she didn't answer and she didn't ever call me back. I was talking to my Dad yesterday about getting a plane ticket for Thanksgiving break. After we were done talking about the plane ticket, I asked him if he knew anything about what was going on with Haylie. He said that somehow the oil tank on her car got a leak in it and it started leaking out all the oil and then she drove for two weeks with an oil leak and eventually driving with no oil and it ruined her engine. Dad said that he is still waiting to here back from the insurance to see how much they are going to cover and how everything is going to work out. He said he's really stressed because no matter what he will have to pay the deductible and it's going to be really expensive.

Now here's the stressful part. Haylie doesn't give my dad the time of day, EVER. The only time she ever calls him is when she needs something from him, usually money wise. She doesn't ever call him just to talk and catch up, return his phone calls, or spend time with him. She has made it clear that she doesn't want anything to do with him.......except when things get hard for her and she needs him to bail her out. She's expecting him to pay whatever the insurance wont cover and if need be, supply her with a new car. I have told her that I know it's really hard to have a relationship with him because he is so closed off and not good at communicating and it can be really hard to love him sometimes, but the least you could do is try and act like you care about him. She tells me that I should not be asking him to buy me a plane ticket for Thanksgiving break, but what she doesn't understand is that I try really hard to have somewhat of a relationship with Dad, and asking him for money is my very last resort, when it's her first resort. I know that I have to work hard if I want to receive a pay check and I do not expect anyone to just hand me anything. Dad and I came to an agreement that he will pay half of the ticket and I will pay the other half out of the money that I am saving for a new computer. My Dad will end up paying for everything for Haylie because he loves his daughter, no matter what. It's really hard for him to show us that he loves us, but I know he does, because of things like that; paying for what should be Haylie's responsibility even when she doesn't ever give him the time of day and doesn't deserve anything from him. Haylie will never learn though when my dad always bails her out, and it breaks my heart. Praying for Haylie to accept the Lord and start living for Him is one of my daily prayers.
Sorry if that was boring for you, but I had to get it out, I had to vent.

P.S. I'm really sorry if this makes me seem self righteous and stuck up, because that's not my intent or my heart, and if you read this without knowing me, it probably makes me seem like I think I'm better then my sister. I am no better then anyone else. I am messed up like everyone else, I just know that I have salvation in Jesus Christ, but that does not make me "better". I just wish my sister would make better decisions for her life and start living for the Lord. I love her nonetheless though. I will always love Haylie. I have unconditional love for my baby sister, no matter how frustrating she is. Thanks for reading!

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