To whom ever reads my blogs.....sorry if I post too much of boring stuff, but I've seriously become addicted to blogging about all the fun, meaningful, interesting, and even hard things that go on in my life. It's so fun to write it down.
Tonight, I went over my friend, Tasha's, house at 9. We were suppose to watch Glee, but it hasn't been on for like 3 weeks. It actually airs on Tuesdays, and she records it on her DVR and then we watch it on Thursday nights. A couple other people came over to to watch it too. Anyway, went over there, and it wasn't on. So instead we turned on the Office. While some people watched the Office, Tasha and I were cleaning her apartment off and on, mainly her kitchen. Whenever I'm at Tasha's, I am always helping her pick up a little bit. Gifts of service is one of strongest my love languages. (Physical touch is my other one). If I see something that needs to be done, I'll usually do it because it blesses them (unless they don't want me too of course).
After the Office was over and everyone had left and the apartment was pretty much cleaned up, Tasha and I were sitting at the table just chatting about random stuff. As we're chatting, she told me something very meaningful to me. She told me that she really values me and our friendship. Even if I didn't help clean up her apartment, she just really enjoys our friendship. She told me that I just always have a good attitude, and that I'm always willing to do whatever is asked of me, and that I just am so fun to hang out with. Now words of affirmation is not one of my love languages, but hearing all that from Tasha really made me feel so good. Who wouldn't feel good after hearing that?!?! She is the only friend that has verbally told me that. I know that I mean a lot to my friends, I know I'm valued by them, but to be verbally reminded that I'm valued is nice. I seriously love hanging out with Tasha. She's just so much fun, and I can just be so real with her. Not that I can't be real with my other friends, but with Tasha, because she's a little older then me, it's like she can be a mother, big sister, and friend to me. A lot of the time, being away from home, I really need a mother influence and advice and she is there for me. There just aren't words to describe how much I enjoy her in my life and how much she means to me. She is just so awesome. Life is just so great with her in it. On Saturday, we're going to a pumpkin patch, (Anna Duzik and Dinesha Lowden are coming too) and I am waaaayyyy excited. I've NEVER been to one. Isn't that sad? We're gonna grab coffee on the way there (Pumpkin Spice Latte of course). I'm seriously hoping for it to be cold so I can bundle up, and I really wanna wear my rain boots because it will probably be muddy. I will probably wear rain boots regardless. I am just so in love with my life and the people in it. I have a great life. I'm seriously so blessed. I love you all so much.
Side note: After realizing how much I like hearing that I'm valued, I am going to start telling my friends and family on a daily basis how much they mean to me. It's going to be hard to remember because words of affirmation is not one of my love languages or one of my strong suits, but I think people like to hear it, so that's what I'm going to try to remember to do. People need to know how much they mean to me and how they bless me by being in my life.
P.S. The title of this blog was the song I was listening to when I was ready to post the blog and I couldn't come up with a name.....hahaha. Look it up. It's a good song.
Just wanted to say hi :)